Hospital income helps to relieve your financial burden while you stay in hospital. You may attach Well Protect Hospital Income Supplementary Benefit (the 'Supplementary Benefit') to the basic plan which offers daily cash income during hospitalization.
Product Type
Supplementary Benefit
Issue Age (on last birthday)
Age 0 (15 days) to age 70
Premium Payment Term and Benefit Term
Yearly renewal up to life insured age 85
Policy Currency
Same as the basic plan
Premium Payment Mode
Same as the basic plan
Minimum Sum Insured
HKD300 / RMB300 / USD38
Maximum Sum Insured
HKD2,000 / RMB2,000 / USD250
Hospital Income Benefit1,2,3,4
Daily hospital income benefit equals to sum insured of this Supplementary Benefit (up to 730 days of hospital confinement)
Intensive Care Benefit1,2,3,4
Daily intensive care benefit equals to sum insured of this Supplementary Benefit (up to 90 days of hospital confinement)
1. Hospital confinement means the registration for admission and confinement of the life insured as an in-patient in a hospital upon recommendation of a physician for the treatment of an injury or sickness for a minimum of 6 hours and continuously stay in the hospital prior to discharge. If two or more confinements are due to the same or related disability, or to any complications arising from it, such confinements shall be regarded as one confinement. Hospital confinement must be medically necessary#.
#Medically necessary means in respect of confinement, treatment, procedure, supplies or other medical services, such confinement, treatment, procedure, supplies or other medical services which are, in the Company's opinion:
- required for, appropriate and consistent with the symptoms and findings or diagnosis and treatment of the disability;
- in accordance with generally accepted medical practice and not of an experimental or investigative nature;
- not for the convenience of the life insured, the policyowner, the physician or any other person; and
- not able to be omitted without adversely affecting the life insured's medical condition.
2. If the life insured is confined in a hospital in places other than Hong Kong, the Macau Special Administrative Region, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, U.S.A., Canada, Western Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Vatican City), Australia and New Zealand, hospital income benefit and intensive care benefit payable of hospital confinement and admission to intensive care unit during the hospital confinement (if applicable) shall be reduced to 50%; and the maximum period for which the hospital income benefit is payable per hospital confinement shall be reduced to 90 days.
3. No hospital income benefit and intensive care benefit are payable if the life insured suffers any sickness or diseases before or within 30 days from policy issue date or the effective date of endorsement or the effective date of last reinstatement of this Supplementary Benefit, whichever is the latest.
4. For hospitals in PRC, hospitals not listed on the prevailing "List of Specified Hospitals in PRC" maintained by the Company at the time of admission do not fall within the definition of "Hospital". Please refer to the Company's website for the "List of Specified Hospitals in PRC".
1. This plan is underwritten by Well Link Life Insurance Company Limited.
2. The above content contains general information for reference only. It is not part of the policy and does not contain the full policy's terms. Please refer to the policy documents for the full terms and conditions of this plan as well as the complete definitions of the capitalized terms. You should read this information alongside the brochure and other relevant materials which cover additional information about this product, including but not limited to benefit illustration (if any), other marketing materials, policy provision and other policy documents, which are available upon request. You may seek independent professional advice if necessary.
No benefits shall be payable under this Supplementary Benefit if the life insured's hospital confinement is caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by any one or more of the following:
- any pre-existing condition;
- any sickness or disease of the life insured (a) the symptoms of which first manifest or occur or (b) for which the life insured has received medical treatment or been attended to by a physician or been prescribed drugs, in each case, during the first 30 days after the policy issue date or the effective date of endorsement or the effective date of last reinstatement of this Supplementary Benefit, whichever is the latest;
- treatment or surgery for tonsils, adenoids, hernia or a disease peculiar to the female generative organs unless the life insured has been continuously covered under this Supplementary Benefit for a period of 120 days after the policy issue date or the effective date of endorsement or the effective date of last reinstatement of this Supplementary Benefit, whichever is the latest, immediately preceding such treatment or surgery;
- attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane;
- drug-taking other than under the prescription or direction of a physician, abuse of alcohol or the taking of poison;
- disease of or infection of any human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and/or any hiv-related illness including acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) and/or any mutations, derivations or variations thereof, any sexually transmitted disease which is classified as a venereal disease in the international classification of diseases (icd) and testing for sexually transmitted diseases;
- war or hostilities (whether declared or not), civil commotion rebellion, revolution, riot, strikes, terrorist or any warlike activities, coup or usurped power or active duty in the military, naval or air forces of any country or international authority;
- violation or attempted violation of the law or resistance to arrest or participation in any brawl or affray;
- professional sports, racing of any kind, underwater activities involving the use of breathing apparatus, aerial flights (including bungee-jumping, hang-gliding, ballooning, parachuting and skydiving) other than as a crew member or a fare-paying passenger on a licensed carrying commercial aircraft operating in a regular scheduled route or any hazardous activities or sports unless agreed by special endorsement;
- psychological or psychiatric condition, mental or nervous disease or disorder, behavioral problems or personal disorder, or sleep disturbance disorder;
- general health checks, convalescence, custodial or rest care; or dental treatment, dentures, eye examination, refractive errors of the eyes or their correction by glasses, hearing aids or the fitting thereof, preventive or vaccination treatment not related to a disability, cosmetic surgery or treatment, plastic or reconstructive surgery or treatment unless necessitate by injury caused by an accident;
- pregnancy and related complications, childbirth (including surgical delivery), miscarriage, abortion, birth control, infertility or sterilization, sex changes or gender re-assignments; or
- organ transplant services as a donor (except approved by the company in advance).
Pre-existing condition means any condition or illness prior to the policy issue date or the effective date of endorsement or the effective date of last reinstatement of this Supplementary Benefit, whichever is the latest:
- which existed or was existing; or
- where its direct cause existed or was existing; or
- in respect of which the Life Insured has knowledge, signs or symptoms of the condition or illness; or
- where any laboratory test or investigation showed the likely presence of the condition or illness.
Nature of the product
This product is a non-participating Supplementary Benefit and does not entitle the policyowner to participate in the profits or surplus of the Company. The product is a non-indemnity hospital cash insurance plan aiming at customers who want hospital income protection. As a result, customers are advised to save enough money to cover the premiums in the future.
Cooling-off Period
If you are not satisfied with the policy and have not made any claim under the policy, you have the right to cancel it and obtain a refund of any premium(s) paid by giving a written notice of cancellation to us within the cooling-off period. The cooling-off period is the period of 21 calendar days immediately following the day of the delivery of (1) the policy; or (2) the Cooling-off Notice, to you or your nominated representative, whichever is the earlier. The Cooling-off Notice will be sent to you or your nominated representative to notify you of the cooling-off period around the time the policy is delivered.
Premium Adjustment
Premiums are determined based on the risk class (including but not limited to age, sex, smoking habit and residency, as the case may be) of the life insured. Policyowner is responsible to notify the Company of any subsequent changes to the information disclosed during application process. The Company reserves the right to review and adjust the premium rates of these products based on our expectation and experience of a series of factors including but not limited to investment returns, claims, policy surrenders and expenses. The Company will not adjust the premium unless we notify you prior to the policy's anniversary.
For hospital income benefit and intensive care benefit, written notice of a claim must be given to the Company within 30 days after the date of discharge of the commencement of the relevant hospital confinement. The Company's prescribed form together with all official receipts must be made and furnished to the Company within 90 days of the life insured from the date of discharge from the hospital. You can call our Claims Hotline at +852 2830 7600 for the appropriate claim form.
Termination Conditions
The Supplementary Benefit shall be automatically terminated and the premium shall cease to be payable for it upon the first occurrence of any one of the following events:
- death of the life insured;
- if any premium for this Supplementary Benefit and/ or basic plan remains unpaid after the end of the grace period;
- if the basic plan matures, expires, is surrendered, terminated; or
- on the policy anniversary on or immediately following the life insured's 85th birthday.
While the policy is in force, you may terminate this Supplementary Benefit before the next premium due date by sending written request to the Company provided that such notice is duly received by the Company 14 days before the next premium due date.